Upcoming Events

Fall 2017: Ronald N. Zuckerman

We're excited to have Dr. Zuckerman as our Fall 2017 invited speaker. The day will include a technical seminar and a diversity seminar.

Date:Friday, November 17, 2017
Location: University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry
231 S. 34th St
Time:11:00 am - Technical Seminar
Carol Lynch Lecture Hall
4:00 pm - Diversity Talk
IAST (Vagelos) 3000

ACDC Meeting Info

We have two main events that we host. In the fall, we invite a speaker to give two talks, one technical seminar about their work and an informal discussion about their career path. In the spring, we invite students from the Philadelphia area to present their work and meet scientists from their feild.
We meet one a month, usually the second Wednesday at 5 pm. See calendar or contact us for details. Meetings are open to anyone looking to get involved with programming.